Saturday, October 9, 2010

histoire de l'art

When applying for college I had the intentions of becoming a Chemistry major. I wanted to be a chemist, or a pharmacist, or something having to do with medication. But as the year went by I realized that I wasn't cut out for it. While I loved chemistry, I couldn't see myself being happy having a career focused around it. And I also was not looking forward to the extensive math courses I would have to take. Last minute I decided that I wanted to go to school for art. So I applied to Southern as a Studio Arts major. But once again I had a change of heart and I now want to major in Art History. I have no yet officially switched my major to Art History yet. It is still under Studio Art. But I consider myself to be an Art History major. Art History is my chosen major because I completely love it. All my life I have lived art, and I have also had an interest in history. Art History is a perfect mix of the two, and I something that I can foresee myself being very happy with in my future. I love learning about different cultures and how art has been influenced and changed by each one. Some people may think that it is boring, but I however feel it is one of the most interesting things. People don't realize how much you can discover about an ancient culture just by their art alone. My major in art history is just the first step in being where I want to be in my future. My dream is to be an art curator or restorer at an amazing art museum such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, or at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Mass. It is something that I dream about all the time. I dream of going to France to see all the impressionists works of art, and going to England to see the medieval style architecture. Art History is something that I love, and is something I enjoy learning about an pursuing during my college career.

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