Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Self Assesment

This semester was a lot different than what I had expected college to be like. Things were much easier in some aspects, but things were also much more difficult in others. I think it is good that college isn't exactly what I expected. The surprise of it kept me on my feet and although it made me stress out, it was a good wake up call. I think that the biggest lesson that I have learned from this first semester of college is to how to properly multitask. I never realized how bad I was at balancing my time until I got to college. In the beginning of the semester I had a lot of trouble with balancing school, homework and work all at the same time. The first couple of weeks were some of the most stressful days I can remember. I think the pressure hit me all at once. And although I didn't have a lot of schoolwork, I still found it hard to balance everything out. I was also very scared that I wasn't working hard enough. When I took my midterms I was terrified that I was going to do horribly. But alas, the grade came back and I got A's and B's on everything. I had stressed out over nothing. I think that is also something that I have learned to deal with. I've learned that it's not worth it to get stressed out over everything, because it only hurts you in the end.
As far as schoolwork and homework time I did have quite a lot, but at the same time I feel like I could have studied harder. Although I've gotten good grades, I am scared that none of the knowledge has really sunken in. I'm a big procrastinator, so when it came to exams I found myself studying last minute and cramming tons of information in at the very last chance. This may have worked for my exams, but I found that as soon as it was over, I would forget everything. I would say that that was a failure in my part. I feel like I'm at college at my own will, and the things I am taught here I should really learn and absorb, or else I'm not really getting my money's worth. This realization has made me realize that next semester I really need to be on top of everything. I need to stop putting things off until last minute and getting stress out when I'm swamped with a lot of work. Instead I need to take it one day at a time and study regularly. Last minute doesn't work in college.
                Inquiry class has made me look at college a different way than I used to. It's showed me the importance of creativity, time management, individuality and a lot more. I think the goals for INQ were good goals, and I think I have achieved them overall. I think the most important goals that were learned were how to learn from failure, take ownership of your work, deal with difficult situations and know how to ask good questions. Specific lessons like the blog posts and capus safari's have made me learn to manage my time and school work and taught me that I need to get more organized and know when all of my schoolwork is due. There were a lot of small things that were needed to be done in this class, so there was a lot to remember, and I think that that was a good learning experience because it taught me to stay focused on all of my school work and what needed to be done. Another part of this class that taught me some good lessons were the class discussions. They were open and we looked at all sides of every topic. I liked hearing everyone else's opinion and they made me form opinions about topics that I never really thought about before. For example the class discussion we had about whether it's better to just get work done, but not to the best of your ability, or to do the best you can but risk not being done on time. I realized that I think it's not good to do either. And it's helped me gain perspective on my own work habits. Creativity is a major topic discussed in our Inquiry class. i have always felt that creativity is a really important part of succeeding in all parts of life,  but the articles that we read and the videos we watched showed that colleges and future employers also believe that creativity is crucial in being a well rounded, and educated person. People who were creative were shown to have better job opportunities and that is something that I never realized before this class.
                Overall I take a lot from this class. I've learned how to balance my time, how to keep organized, how to stay focused and how to put a creative spin and a new perspective on everything. These are things that I am happy to have learned and they will be with me for the rest of my college career.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Thanksgiving this year was really great. I always look forward to waking up in the morning and smelling the cooking turkey and helping prepare all the side dishes and snacks for the day. I especially love to watch the Macy's parade. This year was the same as every other year, and that's just the way I like it. I don't live around any extended family, so like every Thanksgiving it was just me, my dad, my mom and my brother. Sometimes I wish it were different and that we could be with all of our family, but at the same time I know I am lucky to even have a family to spend Thanksgiving with. So I'd say that is what I am truly most grateful for. Anyway, I spend the day snacking, watching the parade, then usually a movie all the while searching through the Black Friday ads for deals. Then finally it's dinnertime and I am so excited. My dad's cooking is absolutely amazing and I always look forward to his turkey and my absolute favorite: STUFFING! We always have the classics: stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce and rolls. No special twists to things, and that is just how I like it. My family's Thanksgiving meal has been the same since I was little, and it is something that I love to look forward to. It is the best comfort food ever. Thanksgiving is something that I will always love, and it is something that I'll always be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

INQ Final draft

It still needs a lot of work. I'm not really too sure as far as how to tie in wanting to inspire creativity in kids and their lives, and how that relates to what separates me from everyone else. I think I may just do a general video biography sort of thing about myself, focusing on art and creativity and the goals I have for the future. I think all of the pieces of my life are what makes me different, not just one specific thing.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A time in my life that I had a leadership role was a couple of years ago when I was a teacher at Vacation Bible school for three year olds. i was visiting my cousins in North Carolina and I had the chance to join them in helping out with their church's bible school. It was one of the first times I had a real leadership position and I remember feeling very proud of myself for being able to lead and take charge. It felt really good to be able to help out, and to have a say in the program. i didn't know anybody from the church except for my cousins, and in a way i think that that played a big role in how comfortable I felt being in a leadership position. Usually I am less likely to want to lead a group because I have a fear of doing something wrong, or being judged. But being around all the people that I didn't know, I wasn't afraid like I would usually be. I wasn't afraid of messing up, or not doing what i was supposed to. I had a lot of confidence in myself and I learned to have faith in my ability to lead. Even though i was teaching little kids, it helped me make the first step in being comfortable  with leading and taking charge. Overall it was a good experience and I always remember how much fun and happy I was being able to com out of my shell and take charge.

Where's the time?!

There have been a lot of difficult situations this semester. I think in general this has been some of the most stressful months I have had to go through. I think a big cause to my stress and anxiety is having to balance school and work with each other. This is my first job that I have had, and I got it in the summertime, so this semester is my first experience of balancing school and work. I think it is especially hard learning to do that on top of adjusting to college life and just getting used to having so much freedom when it comes to my education. My biggest struggles have been with my work schedule conflicting with my studying time. I only work 20 hours a week, which may not seem like a lot to some people, but it has made me realize how terrible I am at balancing everything, even when I may not have a lot on my plate. It seems that every time I have a big test, I work every day following up to it. My last two Art History exams it seems I had to cram for because the 2 days before it i've had to work. It is really hard to put school first and to make sure all of my school work is complete when i have a unpredictable work schedule. So I think in general my most difficult times this semester is finding the right time to study and being able to be prepared for tests without cramming, or feeling unprepared.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Believe in dreams
You love so much
Let the passion of your heart
Make them real
And tell
All the ones you love
Anything and everything you feel"
-Believe In Dreams by Flyleaf