Saturday, October 9, 2010

blogs, blogs, and more BLOGS

There are many things that make up a good blog post. A good blog post is successful in 
getting it's point across clearly and interestingly. A good blog post is one that you enjoy reading. It isn't just a simple summary, or generic story. It has personality, detail and emotion. When you are reading a blog it is almost like you are reading someones private thoughts. So you expect those thoughts to be interesting and personal. In my opinion, a good blog post is one that makes you think, relate back to yourself, or want to know more about. An example of a good blog in my opinion is Oscar's  blog. His posts are generally interesting, descriptive, personal, and very creative. I really like his titles because they are always creative and catch readers attention. I also liked Lynday's blog because she uses a lot of unique pictures to capture a readers attention. Essentially that is the whole point of a blog; to catch the eyes of the readers and make them want to come back for more. I think that I have the potential to be a really great blogger, but a lot of the time I am missing one of the most essential ingredients for a great blog post: a passion for the topic. Some things are easier for me to write about than others. And most of the time when i am told what to talk about I end up sounding generic. So I need to learn how to master a good blog post even when initial interest in the topic may not be there.

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