Saturday, October 23, 2010

Generation Facebook

From reading the article Generation Me it got me really thinking about this generation and the level of narcissism we truly have. Thinking about it more I've realized what i think to be one of the biggest sources of our narcissism : Social Networking Sites. While they can be a great way for people to get connected, it is also a mecca for young adults to ramble on about themselves. We post statuses CONSTANTLY about where we are, what we're doing, what we're thinking.We keep this up as if it's our job. As if we were to stop updating our profile we would lose some part of our identity. Sometimes it amazes me at how personal people get on Facebook. It seems like people just can't get enough of sharing everything with everyone. As if "going to school. going home. then work" is that important. We spend hours and hours analyzing our friends profiles, our friends of friends profiles and our own profiles. We've begun to think that Facebook is an extension of our personality. No longer is it a tool. It's a part of us. Social networking sites are part of us. And it makes us share everything with everyone all the time. and this plants seeds in our heads that we are more important than we really are. in the end does it REALLY matter what youre eating for lunch? Do people HAVE to know where you're going when class is out? No. But we live in a world where we set up profiles ALL ABOUT US and it makes us think that every detail of our lives is important. That attitude translates to every facet of our lives. And its the reason why this truly is Generation me.

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