Wednesday, September 1, 2010

5 Things

5 things to describe myself:

One of my favorite qualities about myself is that I am artistic. Art has always been something that I've been very passionate about. In ways, art has been a sort of escape for me. Whether I am creating something myself, or simply looking at a painting or picture I feel as though everything makes sense. I often will translate confused emotions or thoughts into a painting, and everything suddenly makes sense to me. Passion for art is something that has always been with me.  I feel as though I am naturally a person drawn to the aesthetic nature of things. Visualizing or creating something that I feel is beautiful is one of the most satisfying feelings ever.

I'd say that I am a kid at heart because I like to explore, discover, imagine and wonder about things. Sometimes I just like to pretend and play. I love to imagine and just enjoy the simple things in life. This mentality helps me keep a positive outlook on my life. I am in no rush to grow up, although I definitely do not consider myself to have some sort of "Peter Pan" complex. I just like to enjoy the little things, and it is something I admire in myself.

I am always loyal to the people I love. My family and friends are the most important things in my life and I am someone who can always be trusted. I try to be honest all the time and to not take the people I love for granted. I am a good listener, and will try my best to help someone with their problems, so I think I am someone who can be trusted.

 I love animals. Especially my Boston Terrier Baron and my two Rat Terriers; Pixie and Link. Animals can be so loving and loyal. I would love to volunteer at some sort of animal shelter if I could. I would really like to help other people realize what sort of joy an animal can bring into their life.

I'm a really nostalgic person. I like to keep pictures and keepsakes with important memories attached to them. I hold a lot of sentimental value in things that seem ordinary to others. This is important to me because I like being able to think back and remember really good times I've had with the people I love. It helps me to always appreciate the things I have and it also puts me in a happy mood.

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