Saturday, November 6, 2010

F for Grade Inflation

The idea of grade inflation makes me mad and confused. I don't get how anybody truly benefits from grade inflation. It just doesn't make sense that average students are getting above average grades, and below average students are getting average grades. It seems completely unfair and goes against the ideals that I thought education as a whole was all about. When a student deserves a certain grade, but they receive a higher one than what they truly earned, alls that they are learning is to do average work. It seems backwards to me that schools are participating in this sort of thing, especially when what we are all being told over and over again is how the working world is looking for people who are creative and STAND OUT. A student who is getting higher grades than they deserve will go out into the working world expecting high praise for average work. With that mentality it seems that finding a good job will never become possible. As a student i know what it's like to have grading curves. And even though im happy when i do bad on an exam and my grade is curved, i know that its not truly the grade that I deserve. I don't understand how people can be happy knowing that people are giving them this sort of false hope when it comes to their intelligence. While I don't think schools should be making students feel less intelligent than they really are, I definitely do not agree with boosting their confidence by giving them false grades. Because when they get to the real world they will in no way be prepared for the sort of criticism that is thrown at them.

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