Saturday, November 6, 2010

This week I went to see the band Atreyu in concert at The Webster in Hartford. Concerts have always been a HUGE stress relief for me. I think seeing one of your favorite bands live and hearing their music live is one of the best feelings ever. A lot of people only relate stress relief with quietness, or rest and relaxation, but to me being in an environment that makes you truly comfortable is stress relief. I find comforting to be surrounded by so many strangers with loud music blasting and being able to listen to the lyrics and let out all your frustrations by singing your heart out. This band in particular makes me really happy to see because every time that they come to Connecticut, me and my boyfriend make sure we don't miss them. In a way it's become sort of a tradition. I know a lot of other people may not think that this is really stress relief, but I guess the point i'm trying to make is that really good stress relief is surrounding yourself with things that you love. Whether it is music, movies, books, family, friends, or a nice soft bed, i think that it is important to find what really makes you feel happy and at ease. As a college student it may be hard to not feel stressed out, especially around this time of the semester when the second half is kicking in. But i think that it is crucial to seize the moments where you know you can truly be happy and stress free. That is why I try to never miss a concert of one of my favorite bands. For me, it is one of those things that make me feel truly alive and happy with my life, and that is the best feeling ever.

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